How to Make a Real Estate Agent Referral

How to Make a Real Estate Agent Referral

  • Rob Thompson
  • 10/14/24

Referrals are not only the highest compliments, but also the lifeblood of our business. When our clients refer us to friends and family, we feel honored to extend our services. Since we run our business primarily by referral, we’d like to provide an easy three-step system for making a complete real estate agent referral. 

Notice when real estate needs come up in conversation

The first step is to keep an ear out when your connections mention wanting to downsize, upgrade, relocate, sell, build, or anything in between! These needs come up fairly often in conversations about life updates. When those needs do spring up, we’d love for you to bring up the Rob Thompson Homes Team. 

Tell your story

Whether in response to your friend’s needs or in sharing your recent big life shifts, share a bit about your experience with us. We hear referral attempts fall flat at, “Oh, I know a Realtor!” 

We deeply appreciate you sharing our name, and it’s even more helpful if you add a few details about how you felt during the process, moments when we simplified your real estate journey, and why you were happy with the outcome. A real estate agent referral works best when there’s a “why” behind it, and your friends and family care most about what made you happy with your experience!

Make the introduction to close the loop on the real estate agent referral

This is the most important step! A real estate agent referral isn’t complete without making the introduction. We’ve heard from clients who are excited to have referred us to a friend, only to realize they never connected us and their friend ended up finding a different Realtor. 

Of course, everyone should make their own decision about which professionals they work with. Making the introduction is simply a way to make sure all parties are aware, give your connection a chance to speak with us about their needs, and determine whether it’s a good fit. This way, there’s no confusion regardless of which direction your friend ends up taking!

To make an introduction, first let both parties know that you’re going to connect them. Whether via text or email, a quick message might say:

“Hey, I’m going to put you in touch with my real estate agent so you can determine if they’re a good fit for your needs!” Similarly, you can send us a message saying something like: “I have a friend who is looking to buy a house in Castle Rock. He’s new to Colorado, I met him in college! I’ll be connecting you shortly.” 

Next, send a joint text or email to both contacts. The message can be equally simple:

“Like I mentioned, I wanted to get you two in touch! Charles, meet Rob, the real estate agent I told you about this weekend!”

We’ll take it from there! Making a complete real estate agent referral and closing the loop on the introduction is the best way to support our business and to help your friends and family have the positive and simplified real estate experiences you’ve had. Ultimately, we strive to provide an exceptional experience that inspires you to feel that you’re doing your friends the favor even more than us. We appreciate every referral — and we’re never too busy for them!

If you have any questions or you see real estate needs arising in the future, give me a call: 719-337-7254 or 720-498-9592.

Work With The Team

We are honored every time a client puts their trust in us to navigate one of the biggest financial transactions of their life. We take this obligation very seriously and are proud of the many satisfied clients we have been able to help. Give us a call to see if we are the right team to guide you through this complicated process.

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