Best Pet-Safe Ways to Keep Your Colorado Yard Free of Weeds & Pests

Best Pet-Safe Ways to Keep Your Colorado Yard Free of Weeds & Pests

  • Rob Thompson
  • 06/28/24

Everyone knows it: Colorado residents love their pets. Forbes even analyzed which state is home to the most devoted pet owners, measuring people’s willingness to change their lifestyle (job, living situation, relationships, and financial wellness) for the sake of their dog. Colorado tops the list with a perfect score. As pet parents ourselves, we definitely see what all the fuss is about!

At the same time, many Colorado homeowners also love the outdoors, whether that’s their own backyard or a local hiking trail. Weeds and pests can put a damper on your ability to enjoy summer in Colorado in the outdoors around your home, and they may even impact home values in your neighborhood as they damage curb appeal. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of pet safe ways to deal with common Colorado weeds and pests. 

Common Weeds in Colorado

In Colorado, weeds show up right where you least want them, especially in the summertime. They can pop up between pavers, in concrete cracks, and in any exposed dirt in your garden. These weeds tend to be the most common here:

  • Dandelion
  • Bindweed
  • Lamb’s Quarters
  • Creeping Thistle
  • Purslane

Tackling Weeds in Colorado, the Pet-safe Way

It’s natural to want to go straight in with a strong weed killer and be done with the ordeal. However, especially if you’ve got a cat who munches on leaves or an overly-curious pup, it’s important to avoid toxic ingredients. Even if dogs romp in your yard and then groom their paws later, they could ingest toxic ingredients from weed killers. As a bonus, these methods are also more supportive of your local ecosystems than traditional weed killers!

Hand pulling and mowing

No one wants to spend hours on end pulling weeds from their garden beds, but pulling by hand is the most effective method for some weeds. Bindweed, for example, establishes a deep root system that will spread and spread if allowed. Hand pulling chokes out the plant and can help you get ahead of the bindweed in later years. 

With some taller weeds like dandelion and thistle, you can mow to achieve the same effect. Preferably, mow before the weeds begin to flower. Use the bagging setting on your mower and toss the cuttings in a secure trash can so the seeds don’t spread. 

Mulching and weed fabric

One way to keep weeds from rearing their ugly heads in the first place is to add thick mulch around your other plants. Some weeds spread by seeds that travel on the wind, and mulching can prevent them from finding their way into your soil. Laying weed fabric before you install pavers or other landscape features may prevent some weeds, but it’s difficult to add the fabric if your landscaping is already complete. 

Planting native species

Instead of letting weeds fill the spaces between your other garden features, why not plant native species as a living ground cover? From clover to creeping thyme to dozens of beautiful low-growing flower varieties, there are countless drought tolerant plants that can help fill that space, keep your soil healthy, and push weeds out of the equation. 

Adding boiling water or vinegar

If you’re in the midst of battling weeds already and you’re not able to hand-pull or mow them, try scorching them with boiling water. This method aims to kill the root system, allowing you to finally pull the huge, deep weeds that establish themselves in rock beds and along lawn edging. Applying vinegar has a similar effect, but take care not to let it seep over to the plants you want to keep in your garden — it doesn’t discriminate! 

Common Pests in Colorado

In comparison to some of our neighboring states, Colorado has it easy in terms of pests. Still, a few buzzing wasps or a bloodthirsty mosquito can easily ruin a barbecue. These are a few of the pests that tend to cause the most issues in Colorado:

  • Ants
  • Mosquitoes 
  • Beetles
  • Wasps
  • Earwigs
  • Spiders

Keeping Pests Away and Pets Healthy

Many backyard pest treatments contain the ingredient Deet, which is not safe for pets. Pesticides can also do lasting harm to local ecosystems, killing pollinators and, in turn, your favorite garden plants. These methods will help keep your yard and garden more pest-free, without posing a risk to your furry friends or the earth. 

Plant repellent herbs and flowers

You don’t always need harsh ingredients and chemicals you can’t pronounce to repel common pests. There are several plants that are beautiful and useful to humans, yet repulsive to bugs. A win-win! Try incorporating these species in your patio and garden beds, and see if there’s a bit less buzzing around your yard:

  • Marigolds
  • Lavender
  • Catnip
  • Basil
  • Lemon balm
  • Nasturtium

Manage nests and debris

Some species like wasps will create a nest and return to it for months or years. Keeping the area around your home and garden free from debris or open cracks can reduce the available spaces for them to nest in. They also love food residue, so a greasy grill is an ideal wasp hideout! 

Throughout the spring and summer, pay attention to where you see wasps gathering and investigate whether there’s a nest on or near your home or patio. Call professionals or carefully dispose of the nest after sundown. 


During long summer evenings, there’s nothing quite like relaxing on the deck with a cold drink and watching the Colorado sunset. Sadly, a thirsty mosquito is all it takes to ruin that experience. Planting citronella around your deck or using citronella candles can help keep these painful pests away. 

We hope these tips help you enjoy your outdoor oasis without compromising the safety of your pets! As always, we’re here to answer any questions you have. If you and your four-legged family members are dreaming up a move, drop us a line at 719-337-7254 or 720-498-9592.

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